Monday, June 1, 2009


"you can't start a can't start a file without a spark..this gun's or hire....even if we're just dancing in the dark.."


i've heard this question many times.
i'm sure you have, too.

"why? why do you like her so much? why are you so crazy about her?"

and i hear all sorts of answers.

"oh..she's smart...intelligent..gorgeous...and so on..".

after dream and i got together, i asked myself the same question.

why am i so much in love with her? on.

the next day, a friend in college asked me the very same question.

"dude. let's be practical. why the hell are you so into her?"

and this is what i said.

"simple. i love her."

everyone knows she's attractive. intelligent. smart. yes, very courageous. and yes, she's got a hell of a temper!
but that's not it.
it's partly because there's this bond between us.
unexplainable, unbreakable.
and that's why i love her.
and that's why i can't bear to see her down, or sad, or depressed.
but when she's, she looks all the more beautiful!


then...another question popped into my silly head.
right. so you like her. but what on earth makes her like you?

that was a stumper, for sure.
i asked her once.
she said she only wanted to see me well.

i talked to her friends once. they say that dream likes me a lot, too!
she wants to always see me happy.

and, that isn't very far from what i want for her.
looks like we're on the same wavelength!

so, we're bound now.
bound by this rope..never to be seperated.
simply because we care for each other way too much, to leave the other.
i can't bear to leave her. and i can sense that she can't bear to do the same.

but there is a problem.
my anger.
a couple of days back, a boy, who used to study with her, and torment her with some of the most disgusting names, called her.
she simply hung up.

i don't know.
the minute she told vision went crimson again.
and my mouth tasted like burning metal.
all i wanted to do then, was to murder the boy, and wipe out his very existence!
it guess it's well i don't have the boy's address.
or else he'd be dead by now..and i'd have a murder on my hands!
and dream won't let me do anything to the boy.
she's way too forgiving.

i actually want this life with her.
i love being with her.
and i love it, when she tells me that she loves me.
it makes me i'm without gravity!
i'm so into her....i love her like hell!

and i know this.
there can never be anyone else in my life.
it's either her...or no one.
just my laptop and me.
i can't contemplate life without her.
and now, when i look back at my life before i asked her out on 6th was so very drab, so very dull, so very without life!
she's come and put so much color....i can only hope that i've done enough, if not the same, for her.

"there's a hole in my heart that can only be filled by you...and this hole in my heart can't be filled by anything i do.."